Thanks everyone for all of your encouragement and for going out of your way to encourage me!
Tuesday I had a very busy day, so I didn't think as much or as deep as usual. I like being busy because of that reason, because when I think and pray, I get answers. God brings thoughts into my mind that my heart does not want to hear because He may be calling me out of my comfort zone or into new territory for Him. So when I stay busy, I don't stop and listen. I realize now, though, that I need to stop and think throughout my whole day. I need to stop and listen to God's voice no matter how busy my day may be. We all have 24 hours in a day - some just use it more wisely than others.
I didn't read Proverbs 18 Tuesday morning, so I read it Tuesday night and then never read my devotions that I always read before going to bed. I was thinking, "Well, it's late and I need to be able to get up early tomorrow morning so I can read God's Word. Wouldn't God want me going to sleep instead of reading more of His Word?" Sometimes I am a very foolish person. I missed out on some really great insights that I really could have used Tuesday night.
I really love how the New Century Version puts Luke 9:62. Here's what it says, "Jesus said, 'Anyone who begins to plow a field but keeps looking back is of no use in the kingdom of God.'" Right before I read that verse I was looking at my now-bare wall where my Carrie Underwood poster used to be hanging and I was thinking, "Maybe it isn't wrong to listen to her music. I mean it's not bad or anything." God pierced my heart with that verse in Luke and said to me, "Anyone who wants to live sold out for Me will do only that which pleases Me. Don't look back." How amazing and refreshing God's truths are. Anyone who keeps looking back is of no use in the kingdom of God. Why do I constantly look back? I need to be looking ahead. I need to be looking up. Remember what happened to Lot's wife when she looked back?
"But Lot’s wife looked back as she was following behind him, and she turned into a pillar of salt." -Genesis 19:26
"Remember what happened to Lot’s wife! If you cling to your life, you will lose it, and if you let your life go, you will save it." -Luke 17:32-33
Then I read in 2 Chronicles 16:9 in the New Century Version [it's the version I use for my devotions at night] which says, "The LORD searches all the earth for people who have given themselves completely to Him. He wants to make them strong." I have been getting "hit" with all of these truths from the Bible and from others about giving everything to God and living to please Him in all that I say and do. There is no other way to live completely satisfied and filled and at peace than to live for God.
Don't look back, but continue looking ahead and continue looking up to God. Live to please God in all that you say and do, because the Lord searches all of the earth to find those who have given themselves completely to Him. He wants to make them strong.
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