Monday, December 17, 2007

An Ongoing Battle

I didn't get a good start on today at all. I woke up exhausted. I didn't want to read Proverbs 17, and it took me a while to read it because it wouldn't soak in. Then I read a chapter of "The Prayer of Jabez" and then read some online devotions and updated the quote on here. Then I got a shower and still had time before my class, so I sent out some emails I needed to. Then I read a little of my book ["Do I Have to Paint You a Picture?"] and then went into class. I was so exhausted, though, that at the end of that class [9:00] I went back to sleep and didn't wake up until 12:00! I missed three of my classes, so I got caught up on them before my Spanish II class. Then I listened to Nancy Leigh DeMoss' "Revive Our Hearts" for today. Then later I went shopping with my dad and brother and got done my Christmas shopping. Then I helped my mom bake a couple of cookies and then wrapped some gifts. Later tonight I got a little down and discouraged because of some things.
Enough about my day... the point is, satan was really attacking me today. He was trying to get me down. He was trying to get me to give up. And thoughts were passing through my mind like, "Molly, maybe living the sinful life is better..." and "Yeah, maybe I should live like the world." and "Molly, life is hard... just give up." Those little whispers from satan can be so convincing and so alluring.

It is an ongoing battle between satan's words and God's words in my heart:
"Come on Molly, living like the world is better" - "No, it is not. You are Mine, Molly, and you were created to serve Me."
"Oh, Molly, just this once you can do what is wrong. Just this once." - "Molly, that one small wrong move can ruin your innocence. Don't do it. Flee from evil and run into My arms."
"You are mine... live like it!" - "Molly, you do not have to be under satan's control. I have called you out of that awful bondage of sin and death and you are Mine. Live like it!"

It is an ongoing battle for the Christian to face. Satan wants you. He doesn't want you living for God. No way - satan wants you to live his way. Why? Because he wants to see you perish. He wants to see you die. He wants to see your dreams and hopes crushed. He wants to see your innocence ruined. He wants your life to be broken.

But God says, "My purpose is to give life in all its fullness. [John 10:10b]. Come to me, for I will give you rest [Matthew 11:28]. Cast all of your anxiety on Me, because I care about you [1 Peter 5:7]. If you have called on my Name, you are Mine [John 1:12]! And I promise you that!"

In this journey and walk with Christ, there is an ongoing battle between evil and good.

"For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against the evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against those mighty powers of darkness who rule this world, and against wicked spirits in the heavenly realms. Use every piece of God's armor to resist the enemy in time of evil, so that after the battle you will still be standing firm."
-Ephesians 6:12-13

Yes, there is an ongoing, unseen, and very real battle constantly going on between satan [and all of his demons and followers] and God [and all of his angels and followers]. It is going on right now. If you're living a life for God, then you're going to face battles. If you're not facing any battles, then you're not living wholeheartedly for God.

So whose voice will you listen to? Satan's temptations and tauntings or God's still, small voice? Whose voice will you obey?


Anonymous said...

Every time I read your posts, its like I realize that I'm not alone in experiencing all of this stuff. It's all a part of being a Christian. Thanks again for another post that slapped me upside the head yet again and said "Everybody is going through what you are and you aren't alone!" :] Wow, a great post though.

And it sounds like you had a pretty full day. So when does your Christmas break start?

Oh, and I like Divine Appointments, lol. :)

On a Joyful Journey! said...

Molly, I only know you through Emily, but I wanted to make a comment concerning this post. It's not just teens that go through what you are talking about here. The Lord has been dealing in my heart about certain issues, and it's for sure a spiritual battle... "Resist the devil and he will flee", Scripture tells us. The point is that we will need to "resist"! Wrong thoughts and temptations WILL come, but resisting through the power of the Holy Spirit using Scripture (read & memorize!) is SO important to understand. When I'm "feeling bad" emotional or even physically is when the tempations seem to come quicker, as well as during the "rush" of busy seasons such as we are in (Christmas especially, but for me it's the busy "season of life" with four very small children.) There is hope and joy in the Lord... and I'm so thankful for those that encourage us in our walk with the Lord along the way (often each and every day!). Thanks, Molly, for the encouragement to those reading your blog... and remember to "resist the devil and he will flee!"

Emily said...

Wow Lisa, I was going to tell you to come read this...Guess I won't have to...

Molly that is great! That is an area I've been working on as you know especially with getting up in the morning...These past 3 days have been going decently. Now I'm worried that if I do fail, because of my many 'victories' in getting up, I will go back to that 'ugh' day. I consistantly pray to God to help me to NOT feel that way no matter what situation I am in.

Another thing is I have been dealing with music temptations again...The devil knows when to get us. And it's hard to say no. But with myself and others praying for me I know that God is helping me overcome my temptations.