Last night I couldn't get to sleep. I felt restless and awake. I was also excited [yes, excited] to wake up "early" the next morning and spend time with God [which may have been the reason for me not being able to get to sleep; satan has a way of trying to get us to spend as little time with God as possible]. There was definitely a time when I would have dreaded this. And I'm sure that I still will sometimes. I am just so glad that God helped me to wake up this morning at 6:00, refreshed and ready to start the day [though I still felt very tired]. I read Proverbs 14, read a chapter of "The Prayer of Jabez", read devotions online, updated "Today's Quote" on here, got a shower, and went to class. I had a pretty good day in school today - busy, but good. During my break I did my Algebra quiz and some of my English test that I had never finished. Then after my Spanish II class I finished my English test and decided that I had done enough school for the day. So I called Emily B. and found out that she couldn't get to sleep last night either. Which is weird, since I was thinking about her last night [I never did tell you this, Emily] and so I prayed for her and then eventually I fell asleep.
There's something about prayer that is so very powerful. Sometimes at night as I'm drifting off to sleep I'll think about somebody that God has laid on my heart to pray for, and so I do. Even once in a while throughout the night God will wake me up and put someone on my heart to pray for. When God lays someone on your heart to pray for, then that person needs prayer. It would be wise to pray for that person right when you feel God telling you to [whether it's a close friend, an old friend, or a stranger that you encountered that day or even years before]. You may not see the results of your prayers, but know that if God presses on your heart to pray for someone, then that person needs prayer. They may be facing a temptation or a trial or pain in their life. They may be struggling in their walk with Christ. They may be looking for answers in their life and in their life's circumstances. You may never know why you need to pray for the person that you know God is pressing on your heart to pray for - but God does. And that's all that matters. You might see the results of your persistant and obedient prayers. You might not. Yes, it is rewarding to see the results of your fervent prayers in another person's life - especially if that person is your friend - but even if you never do, know that your prayers are worth it and know that God answers all prayers. He knows the outcome of your prayers before you even pray them. Prayer is powerful. Prayer changes circumstances, situations, and outcomes. To underestimate the power of prayer is to limit God's power in your life and the lives of others.
Does anyone remember the story in the Bible of the man who God had kept waking up in the middle of the night, but the man didn't know it was God at first? He kept obeying God though, and getting up out of bed every time God called Him. I can't remember who this man was or where his story is recorded in the Bible, so if any of you know, please let me know.
"You faithfully answer our prayers with awesome deeds, O God our savior. You are the hope of everyone on earth, even those who sail on distant seas."
-Psalm 65:5
"If I had not confessed the sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened. But God did listen! He paid attention to my prayer. Praise God, who did not ignore my prayer or withdraw his unfailing love from me."
-Psalm 66:18-20
By the way, I want to let all of you know that if you ever have any questions about anything that I say on here, please comment me and ask me. I would love to help answer your questions if you're confused on something [even if it's something I've never posted about]. So please, feel free to ask me any questions you might have!
That was a great one! Thanks for praying for me!!!!
The story is um...I know this one...Wow...I actually found it...It was Samuel. You can find the story in 1 Samuel 3. I'm pretty sure that was who you were talking about.
Yes...I know...That is too weird...after I posted on mine I went to yours to see what you had been up to...I was like...Wow.
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