Saturday, May 9, 2009

Learning to Have One Focus

Today God taught me something that He has been trying to teach me for a long time. I hope that I get it this time. I learned today that a lot of times I fill my life with things that are not important, that are unnecessary, and that take my focus off of the things that are the most important. This, too, goes along with everything else that God has been teaching me lately.

The "things" in my life can keep me from serving God and others, from loving Him and others genuinely, from tapping into the power of the Holy Spirit to do great things for God, and from persevering toward the things that God has for me. A lot of times I miss what He has for me because I am too busy looking for it.

Today I realized, once again, that I need to re-prioritize my life and let God be number one again. In the midst of trying to serve Him with all of these "things", I have neglected my relationship with Him. It has caused me to become stressed, exhausted, and burnt out. Only in Jesus Christ can I be refreshed. And oh, how grateful I am for that!

I need to learn to place my focus in the right place: on the One who lived and died to reconcile me to the Father. And I need to learn to keep it there.

My time, my energy, my emotions, my spiritual gifts, my talents, and my relationships should all be used for God's glory. If I am filling my life up with things that "hinder" my relationship with God and everything that He has for me to do on this earth, then I am wasting my life.

"However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace."
-Acts 20:24

My life is not even my own (1 Corinthians 6:19). Why try to live like it is?

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us."
-Hebrews 12:1

If I focus on Christ, everything else will fall into place as I wait on Him and actively seek His will. This may mean I must give up some things that seem "important" to me or move on from something good to pursue what is best. However, I know that it will be worth it. A life focused on the Father is never a wasted life.


Michelle said...

My Dearest Molly,

I just want you to know that you are such a beautiful gift from God to me!

I learn something everyday from you, and the way you live your life for Christ. You are a shining light for Him to so many!

Thank you for being a huge part of making my Mother's Day so special. You will never realize just how much your words meant to me in the card you gave me!

I love you so much Molly! Thank you for continually being a beacon of light in my own life! You are such a Blessing to me!

Your Mom

Emily Barclay said...

Wow... that is definitely what I needed to hear right now. This moment. I haven't been keeping up with your blog daily, which I need to do because I get so far behind and you post a lot sometimes, but I was catching up this evening and wow. I just realized how I keep putting things in front of God. I was doing history to finish up school and figured that after I got that done I would do better at doing devotions and things, but now I'm cleaning my room, and it is taking up all of my time. Thank you very much for posting this! I definitely need to re-prioritize my life.

Thanks again! It's great reading what you've been learning!
