Well... this is my blog. I'm going to be posting some things I write on here, as well as talking about how I'm doing in my relationship and walk with Christ. Basically by reading my posts, you can get a glimpse of a girl's journey with Christ -- the ups and the downs. The good times and the bad times.
Well, I've been feeling like a failure lately. God has been opening my eyes to different things in my life and I haven't been obeying Him like I should, I've been so stressed out lately, and my life has just not been the greatest. My priorities are all wrong (Emily K. opened my eyes to that in Bible Study). I was distressed and feeling like a failure. I wanted to change that so badly, but it was like I couldn't... I didn't want to. But let me tell you that that is no way to live. When I am living fully on fire for Christ, I feel so good. So good about life. God is amazing and good - all the time! So I wanted to get back on track with God. So I decided to make a challenge for myself. I want to thank Emily B. from school for motivating me to do this.
So well, I think I had a pretty productive day today. I made a goal last night that for the whole month of November I would get up early and read a chapter of Proverbs (according to the day -- today is the 1st, so I read the first chapter). I thought I was going to fail today, but God gave me the strength to wake up. So I woke up and read Proverbs 1. I want to challenge all of you to do this. Read the chapter in Proverbs that corresponds with the day. There are 31 chapters so this works out great. This is how I did it this morning: I read Proverbs 1 and took notes on what the chapter said to do. Today this is what I wrote:
Fearing the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. (verse 7)
I must not despise wisdom and discipline. (verse 7)
I must listen to what my parents teach me. (verse 8)
I must turn my back on those who entice me to sin. (verse 10) Stay away from their paths. (verse 15)
I must not be greedy for gain. It robs me of life. (verse 19)
I must listen to wisdom. (verses 22-23)
Then I wrote out a checklist. This is what mine looked like this morning:
1. Do I fear God? Not like I should.
How can I improve that today? Read Revelation 1 and then live out my day and life knowing that God is sovereign.
2. Do I despise wisdom and discipline? Sometimes. I question everything, which I guess could be a good thing. But I may despise some knowledge by doing so. And I definitely despise discipline sometimes -- from my parents and other people.
How can I improve that today? By listening for wisdom more closely in situations and in God's Word. By gathering all the facts before I form an opinion. By showing love when I have little debates with my friends. Discipline - by listening more closely to what my parents have to say and holding their pebbles of wisdom in my heart. By obeying them more quickly -- and honestly.
3. Do I listen to what my parents teach me?
How can I improve that today?
4. Do I turn my back on those who entice me to sin and stay away from their paths?
How can I improve that today?
5. Am I greedy for gain?
How can I improve that today?
6. Do I listen to and for wisdom?
How can I improve that today?
Of course I had all of the answers in there, but I didn't put them all on here. Some things are personal, between me and God and I don't think that I should share them. I just thought I'd give you an idea of what I did. God gave me the idea -- trust me... I don't even know how I came up with it. But it's like I enjoyed it!
Have you ever talked to God while watching the sun rise? I encourage you to do it sometime. His Creation is so beautiful.
So that's all for tonight.
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